
Free NASM Practice Test – 100 realistic exam questions

Written By

Domenic Angelino


NASM CPT practice test

Welcome to our Trainer Academy NASM Practice Test.

This NASM practice exam spans the six domains of NASM study.

Before starting the NASM CPT practice test, be sure to download our 14 step NASM exam preparation checklist to give you the best shot at passing your final NASM test.

If you want to reduce your NASM study time by over 50 percent, check out our premium NASM-CPT MVP Study Program.

How to use the free NASM practice test

You should start by doing a general studying plan for your NASM certification. You can use the NASM MVP personal trainer course offered by Trainer Academy for the best shot at passing. Once you’ve done an initial round of studying, take the full free NASM practice test, doing the best that you can.

At the end, the exam will give you a breakdown of the NASM test questions you got right and wrong from each domain. This allows you to refine your study strategy to augment your weaker areas.

The practice questions mimic the real NASM exam. It effectively combines multiple practice quizzes into an entire exam for a total of 100 questions.

You can take unlimited practice tests right here on Trainer Academy, so we recommend you study and retake the exam until you hit NASM practice test success.

These free NASM practice exams beat out any of the other free NASM practice quizzes you can find online, so be sure to incorporate into your comprehensive NASM exam prep strategy.

NASM Exam Eligibility Requirements

To take the NASM exam, you need to be at least 18 years old and hold a high school diploma or equivalent education level, such as a GED. If you are within 90 days of completing this education level, you can still apply for the NASM exam.

However, you must meet the full personal trainer exam eligibility requirements before actually taking the exam.

You also need to be cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator certified (CPR/AED certified) before being eligible to sit for the NASM certification exam. There are plenty of organizations out there that offer this certification, as well as certifications for First Aid, such as the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.

You’ll need to show proof of a current CPR certification in order for your exam application to be processed. Please keep in mind that CPR/AED certifications often have short life cycles, with most averaging around 2 years from your initial date of certification. This means that if you previously got CPR and AED certified more than 2 years ago and have not renewed your certification since, you might no longer be certified.

It is important for all personal trainers who work with clients directly to be CPR and AED certified because exercise induced cardiac events can be life threatening. Having a trained first responder on site can drastically improve the odds of the client surviving until emergency medical technicians with more advanced medical training arrive on scene. This is why it is common for personal trainer certifications to mandate trainers have a CPR/AED certification in order to be certified to act as a fitness practitioner. 

NASM-CPT exam breakdown

The National Academy of Sports Medicine, or NASM, divides their personal trainer certification curriculum into 6 distinct domains. The CPT test practice mimics this structure.

These domains tackle different topics someone learning how to become a personal trainer would need to master, ranging from exercise science to behavioral coaching. All of which are important for successful practice in the field.

After going through each domain, we’ll go in-depth into each domain, peeling the hood back so you can gain a proper understanding of NASM study focal points. One of our top tips is that every time you take practice tests you should always review the domain scores you get for the best development of your skills across all the knowledge areas. This allows you to tailor your study habits in a way that best increases your odds of success when you take the exam. It also has the extra benefit of making you a more effective trainer down the road. If you have a weak area now, that weakness will naturally extend to your professional practice after you become certified, unless it is directly addressed. It is important to address weaknesses in knowledge and content application early on in order to save yourself more trouble as time goes on.

Additionally, always review the answers to your sample questions and the provided explanations to ensure that you have a strong knowledge base and understand the nuances of the material.

The best NASM practice tests always give students the opportunity to review each answer as part of their test prep.

After all, practice quizzes are far more useful if you can not only practice but also learn the content in the areas you might be weaker in. They are great for all types of learners, and are an important component of training courses for the NASM exam. It forces you to think through information that you had previously been exposed to, which can help with retention.

Having a multifaceted and comprehensive study plan can help you reduce the number of gaps in your exam taking approach.

It’s also helpful to take practice tests online because the process more closely mimics what you will go through when taking the actual certification test. Like most other certifying bodies out there, tests are delivered digitally at supervised testing centers.

The NASM examination is pretty straightforward in terms of structure, but we would also like to give you some insight into the difficulty of the NASM test just so that you are aware of what you’re getting into. It can be helpful to know this because it allows you to prepare for the test by thinking about the material with an appropriate amount of nuance. At its core, the NASM certified personal trainer test is designed to identify candidates who show a bare minimum level of competency to practice professionally in the field as a personal trainer. And, it is designed to identify those who do not meet this standard. As such, you need to meet a certain level of competency to pass. It is easier to do this when you know how well you need to know the material and be able to apply it.

For this, we will be looking at the NASM exam pass rate, giving you an edge on how to pass the NASM CPT certification exam.

Make sure to also look at our NASM study guide prior to reviewing the questions so you can pass them with ease without multiple attempts.

Domain 1

This domain comprises about 15% of the total exam content.

Here you will be tested on basic and applied sciences as well as nutritional concepts. This content forms the core foundation of decision making you will make in the field. In order to make appropriate prescriptive and coaching decisions, you would need to understand the anatomy and physiology of bodily systems such as the nervous system, muscular system, skeletal system, and cardiorespiratory system, among others. You will also have to understand who the functions of these systems are applied to influence exercise outcomes. This requires understanding topics related to biomechanics, bioenergetics, and kinesiology in general. It’s your responsibility as a trained fitness professional to understand exercise science so that you can apply it in real time when working out in the field. All practices you engage in should be evidence based and research backed in order to best support improving health outcomes for the clients that you will work with.

Other reputable certifications also heavily emphasize foundational sciences and evidence based practice for the same reason. A great example of this is the ACSM personal trainer certification.

When it comes to the nutrition side of things, understanding how to support clients in maintaining a healthy diet will have a significant impact on how successful your clients are. Clients will organically ask you questions about food they eat and what they can do to best achieve their goals, and it can be helpful for personal trainers to have a knowledge foundation that allows them to provide information that is aligned with guidelines and within the trainer’s scope of practice. Although it is the case that personal training certifications offer limited nutritional training, it can be helpful to go out of your way to further your education in this area, outside of just taking a personal training exam. 

In fact, we recommend an actual nutrition certification for anyone who wants to be able to speak to their clients about food or if you want to become a nutrition coach in the future. There is a NASM nutrition certification which will also give you some extra education credits you might consider. Though it is still important to keep in mind that your professional scope of practice as a personal trainer is limited when it comes to nutrition unless you become a licensed and registered dietitian.

In any case, for the present moment, your concern is what you’re challenged with within the actual NASM CPT test. Although candidates will have different experiences regarding which areas they struggle with, it is common for candidates to have difficulty with content and concepts related to biomechanics. This often leads to trainers who pass the exam and practice for years with misconceptions about biomechanics. If you find that this is a difficult area for you,  it can be helpful to focus on understanding the underlying reason why biomechanics work as they do, rather than focusing on just memorizing facts. In real world practice and on the exam, you will have to apply core principles of biomechanics to new situations and contexts.

When it comes to nutrition, rote memorization of information will serve you well when it comes to taking the exam. This is designed to reflect the personal trainer’s scope of practice when it comes to nutrition, which is less applied than their scope of practice when it comes to exercise.

Domain 2

The next domain of your NASM personal trainer practice test covers Client Relations and Behavioral Coaching, and makes up 15% of the total exam content.

Naturally, the focus is on health behavior change because at its core this is the area that most clients will struggle with. Exercise adoption rates and adherence rates to exercise are both very low. This results in limited client conversion and high client turnover in professional practice. 

Although this section will focus on other elements of coaching, communication, and exercise psychology, most feed into behavior change in some way. For example, effective communication is covered in this domain. Communicating effectively will increase rapport with your client, which is basically a measure of the strength of the client trainer relationship. If rapport increases, you will be able to more effectively support behavior change so that your client can meet their exercise goals.

Topics in this domain include behavior change strategies, behavior change theories, barriers to behavior change, communication, expectation management, goal management, and psychological responses to exercise. 

Behavioral coaching is very effective for one-on-one coaching, but is not as effective for working with groups given the more impersonal nature of that sort of work. The skill set that you’d require to effectively communicate and work with a group during group exercise is quite different. If you have any interest in running group exercise classes, it may therefore be helpful for you to explore what it takes to become a group fitness instructor.We have a list of the top group fitness certifications if you want to add group coaching to your knowledge arsenal.

We have a list of the top group fitness certifications if you want to add group coaching to your knowledge arsenal.

Domain 3

This domain also makes up 16% of the exam’s total content. Domain 3 focuses on client assessment which deals with topics and concepts around evaluating your client’s readiness for exercise, physical fitness, and physical capacity.

It is important for trainers to assess clients in a way that is accurate because the results of assessment provide valuable information that will inform you about how to best move forward with the client. Assessing a new client will provide information about their readiness to exercise, and can inform starting exercise prescription. It can also help you identify needs that the client has. Re-assessing the client over time will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your programming and adjust your approach as you track how your client’s needs change over time.

This domain of the NASM online practice test comprehensively covers all of the types of assessments you would need in professional practice at any stage in the client trainer relationship. This ranges from written forms like PAR-Q to physical tests like the Overhead Squat Test.

You have the tools to nail this domain of your CPT practice exam, and ultimately, your real test!

This section is one place that NASM excels as compared to some of the other certs out there. NASM focuses more on testing and evaluation than others, and is similar to the ACSM in that regard. The ACSM is very proficient when it comes to exercise testing and prescription which is why its certifications are the gold standard for clinical exercise physiologists who practice in hospital settings and work with high-risk patients with advanced cardiovascular disease.

Domain 4

Program design is the meat and potatoes of acing your personal trainer tests and eventually being a successful PT! It is one of the core components of creating successful health outcomes with clients.

Hard training cannot overcome poor programming, so this section is definitely one to pay attention to. You do need to commit a fair bit to memory when preparing for the questions on the exam, but, in real life, you can always refer to the notes when planning your workouts and clients’ training procedures. Eventually this will all become second nature to you, but it can feel overwhelming at first to have to remember recommendations for each acute programming variable, especially when they differ based on factors like a client’s training goal or training status.

Whether you’re an in-person coach or a virtual online coach, your ability to create a structured plan of action that is both evidence-based and results-driven is your primary objective–it’s one of the major personal trainer responsibilities.

Two of the best PT certs for program design are NASM or NSCA, so this is an area you will become proficient in. Although others like the ACSM have strong guidelines for exercise prescription, which is why college and graduate level courses in Kinesiology sometimes base their exercise prescription course curriculum directly off of the ACSM.

NASM emphasizes program design in part by making its domain account for 20% of the total exam’s content. Although, this isn’t an uncommon practice. Most other certifications have a large amount of exam space for program design given it is a complex and core part of being a personal trainer out in the field.

One of the biggest aspects of program design, as it concerns NASM, is the OPT model or optimal performance training.

This is the framework on which NASM program design operates, so it will be integrated into most program design questions.

You will have an easier time dealing with the test if you have a strong understanding of periodization models like undulating periodization and linear periodization. This domain will focus on understanding all elements of periodization and its interaction with various training modalities across different types of exercise. Resistance training modalities and cardiorespiratory training modalities among others will be covered. This section will also tackle common prescription issues, like exercise prescription that can lead to overtraining syndrome.

Domain 5

This is the most prominent domain in the exam, making up 24% of the exam’s content. This is the section where you’ll learn exercise techniques and how to apply principles of training in real-time. Elements of personal training covered in program design are things you would take care of when not directly working with a client in person. This section covers the actual non behavioral work you would do with a client in real time.

The exercises clients perform and how well they perform these exercises will be contingent on your exercise instruction. The way your client performs an exercise will influence the type of stimulus it provides to their body and how potent that stimulus is. This in turn influences the way their body will adapt to their training, and in turn influences how quickly and efficiently the client will meet their goals. In order to be proficient as a practicing personal trainer, it is important to have a solid handle on exercise technique and training instruction.

In this portion of the NASM study guide, you will assess your ability as a coach in real-time, real-world scenarios.

You will also be assessed on your knowledge and ability to identify and understand exercise technique and best practices for instruction.

In this domain you will cover techniques for various types of exercise, such as resistance exercise or balance exercise. The exercises you cover in this section will allow you to adequately train each major muscle group and movement pattern.

You will also need to understanding exercise cueing techniques, methods for spotting, breathing, and the way the kinetic chain interacts with exercise performance. 

This section can be a bit tricky to get down if you don’t have previous training experience. It can help to practice performing each exercise covered multiple times so that you become familiar with how to perform each. This will help you with recall during the test since you can not only recall information you’d read about each exercise, but you can also recall how your body felt as you were moving around. This can clue you in on which muscles are trained in each exercise, if you forget during the test.

Domain 6

This domain makes up the smallest portion of the overall exam at 10% and is therefore the one you need to spend the least time with. This also holds true because the material covered here is more intuitive than in other sections. If you come across a question on the test you don’t remember the answer to, it will be easier to make an educated guess on content in this domain than it would be to make an educated guess about neuromuscular physiology.

Having said that, we do feel this domain is important for professional practice and education as it covers the business and entrepreneurial fundamentals of personal training. You’ll learn about the advantages of starting your own fitness company versus working for a gym, each of which has pros and cons.

Essentially, as a qualified PT, you are a business person running a business if you work for yourself in this business. Gyms across the country do offer traditional W-2 employment, which can be helpful as you get your legs under you. You may also get the chance to run group classes if you are already employed.

Regarding the exam itself, it’s quite a narrow assessment of the topic, and only really tests you on some broad-stroke basics of generating income as a PT.

Common concepts in this domain are the four P’s of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) as well as effective sales strategies.

We wish NASM spent a little more time on the business end of things.

There are one or two other certs that cover this, like if you compare ISSA vs NASM you see that ISSA gives you a few more tools than NASM in terms of business strategy.If you want to learn how to be a successful online trainer, or just how to make money as a personal trainer you need a good plan.

NASM Exam Packages

Now that you’ve taken a whack at some of the NASM-CPT Test questions, let’s take a look at how the exam is actually structured so you know your way around.

NASM-CPT provides you with a 6 month enrollment period from the time you purchase the program to the time you’re required to take the test.

It’s available in 4 packages, each with a different pricing tier based on the quantity and depth of study material provided.

Sometimes life happens, and you may not quite be able to take the exam within the 6 months. If that’s the case, NASM allows you to extend your enrollment by an extra 3 months.

This does however come at an additional cost of $75.

Now let’s get to the actual exam itself.

The NASM Certified personal trainer exam consists of 120 multiple choice questions, of which you will need to land at least 70% to pass.

The final exam runs through most of the core concepts you will find in the course text.

These concepts are categorized according to the 6 domains of study you’ll have become familiar with during your free NASM practice exam, which consists of our excellent free NASM test questions that aid your professional development.

Take as many assessments as possible to ensure you are fully prepared.

Since this is the best of every of the free NASM practice tests for the NASM CPT, you need to take advantage of it.

NASM Exam Administration

The NASM CPT exam is 120 minutes long, which means you essentially have a minute to spend on each question on average to ensure you become a NASM CPT.

To take the exam, you must either register for a spot at a PSI testing facility. Simply search for the one most convenient for you, which would normally mean the center closest to you.

Here, you will take the exam in a room with other candidates, monitored by an exam proctor.

Your second option is to register for live remote proctoring. This is a new option that allows the NASM test to be taken completely online while still preserving the quality control of a real-world proctored exam.

This is done through your computer’s laptop which will be used to keep an eye on you through the duration of the exam.

Is the NASM CPT exam online?

The NASM exam is administered online via remote live proctoring if you opt to take the remote proctored version. You do have the option for in-person testing if you prefer. For the online NASM exam, you will have a live proctor monitoring you via webcam.

How many questions are on the NASM CPT exam?

The NASM exam consists of 120 questions which you have 2 hours to answer. This means you have 60 seconds, on average, to answer each question. This makes NASM among the most difficult CPT exams because of the tight time constraints.

NASM Test Difficulty

An important consideration with any test or exam is roughly how challenging it is to pass.

This article will work as not only a prep guide and prep material but also as a NASM test review.

As we’ve mentioned, NASM-CPT requires that you achieve a minimum grade of 70% in order to pass.

This seems to be a common standard across the board with most big-name certifying agencies.

The NASM personal trainer certification, however, is comparatively more difficult than other CPT certifications such as the ISSA CPT.

The main two domains that will test your skills and knowledge are of course the two most prominent domains, Program Design and Exercise Technique and Training Instruction.

These are designed to be challenging because the bulk of your activity as a professional fitness practitioner will involve these areas of focus.

In terms of how long it takes to become a personal trainer with NASM, it’s going to depend on your ability and time commitment. Studying could take one month, it could take four.

So is the NASM test hard? Let’s look at the pass rate to figure that out.

NASM Exam Pass Rate

Coming in with a pass rate of 64%, means that the average test taker passes, however over one third who attempt to take the test do not succeed.

NASM-CPT is a popular certification, and many people find a study approach that allows them to pass. There’s no reason you can’t be one of them. You just need to give it your all and study in a strategic and efficient way.

Prepare adequately and you will drastically increase your odds of success.

Use our guide and other available study materials to make the most of your test prep.

NASM provides a wide selection of study packages as we have already mentioned.

But in order to increase your chances of success, we recommend taking a more comprehensive approach. It is also worth using third party study materials, such as what we offer here at Trainer Academy, so that you develop a more in depth understanding of the material on the exam. By diversifying your studying approach, you will spend more time engaging with the material in deeper and more meaningful ways. This will better increase your odds of success than focusing solely on rote memorization.

In the meantime, why not get acquainted with the NASM-CPT exam by trying out each domain’s most challenging questions, since nasm practice test questions are one of the best ways to prepare for the exam.

Don’t forget to download our 14 step NASM-CPT exam preparation checklist to ensure that you pass the test.

Common NASM Test Questions And Answers

To access the most difficult NASM practice questions, take the NASM practice test at the top of the page.

Which of the following best explains how good body composition is attained?

Achieving a good body composition involves a combination of regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and sufficient recovery, which is outlined by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

Changing which of the following acute training variables will increase training volume?

According to NASM, increasing the number of repetitions or sets in training is considered a change in training variables that will boost training volume. This is because training volume refers to the total amount of work you do over the course of a workout.

What step height is used for the YMCA 3-minute step test?

For the YMCA 3-minute step test, NASM suggests using a step height of 12 inches. It might seem easy to ignore the height requirement, but doing so will invalidate the test results. Tests of this nature are used to predict metrics based off of the findings of research studies. Those research studies used very specific methods. If the methods you use deviate from the reference studies, then you will no longer be able to use the test to predict those metrics. 

Which body composition measurement utilizes calipers?

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) states that the caliper is used to measure the thickness of the skinfold in millimeters, which indicates the amount of fat (in mm) present in a particular area of the body. But this is not what skinfold calipers are actually measuring. It is a proxy for body composition, which can be extrapolated by taking skinfold measurements at specific sites on the body in a specific manner, and then plugging those measurements into a context-appropriate equation. The way you perform skinfold measurements will influence how accurate the test is, so it is important to follow protocol precisely. This includes rotating the sites you measure, measuring on the correct side of the body, and holding the caliper in place for the appropriate amount of time before letting go. In order to increase the accuracy of your measurements, you can use a tape measurer and marker when identifying sites for measurement if your client is comfortable with the use of a marker.

In fitness, what do acute training variables determine?

In the realm of fitness, the specifics of each workout, such as the number of sets, reps, and rest intervals, are determined by what NASM refers to as training variables. Traditionally, acute training variables are considered frequency, intensity, time, type, volume, and progression. 

NASM training variables

Training variableDescription
SetsNumber of times a specific group of repetition is performed.
RepsNumber of times a specific exercise is performed consecutively.
Rest IntervalsTime period a person waits between sets to exercises.

What type of muscular assessment is the bench press 1RM test?

According to NASM, the bench press 1RM test is a type of assessment used to measure upper body strength. This differs from the YMCA bench press test, which is a measurement of muscular endurance, rather than muscular strength.

Which of the following fitness and wellness professionals plans food and nutrition services?

When it comes to planning food and nutrition services, it is recognized by NASM that licensed dietitians are the correct professionals.

Which acute training variable is the equipment, methods, or technique used to complete an activity?

NASM defines modality as a training variable that pertains to the equipment, methods, or techniques utilized during an activity. This fits the traditional acute training variable of ‘type’ that you may have come across in other study materials.

Which weight training concept should be followed in order to develop muscular endurance?

To enhance endurance in weight training sessions, NASM suggests using high repetition sets with lighter weight If you have trouble remembering this, try to think of the principle of specificity. Your muscles will experience increased endurance if they do tasks that require high endurance. Performing a large number of reps requires high endurance. And, you can only perform a large number of reps if the weight you use is low. 

What is the first step when designing a personal fitness program?

As outlined by NASM, conducting an assessment of an individual’s fitness level and goals is the initial step when designing a personalized fitness program.

Which statement best describes your ability to choose sports and exercise programs?

When it comes to selecting sports and exercise programs, it’s important to consider goals, preferences, and physical capabilities. This ensures both safety and enjoyment for long-term commitment and success.

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?

In a condition known as lower crossed syndrome, certain muscles like the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and core stabilizers tend to be underactive. This can lead to imbalances in posture and movement.

Muscles in Lower Crossed Syndrome

Gluteus MaximusUnderactive
Gluteus MediusUnderactive
Core StabilizersUnderactive

The deep longitudinal subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?

The deep longitudinal subsystem integrates muscles like the erector spinae, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, and biceps femoris. It helps in transmitting force during movement.

Which muscles are typically overactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?

In cases of lower crossed syndrome, the hip flexors (especially the rectus femoris) and lumbar extensors often become overactive. This has an impact on maintaining balance.

Muscles in Lower Crossed Syndrome

Muscle GroupStatusNote
Hip FlexorsOveractiveEspecially the Rectus Femoris
Lumbar ExtensorsOveractive-

Scoliosis refers to deviations of the spine in which plane of motion?

Scoliosis refers to curvatures of the spine that occur in the frontal plane. It causes displacement of the vertebral column.

Which muscles are typically overactive when the feet turn out during an overhead squat?

When feet turn outward, certain muscles like the gastrocnemius, soleus, and biceps femoris tend to be overactive. This affects foot alignment.

Muscles When Feet Turn Out

Muscle NameStatus
Biceps FemorisOveractive

Which of the following is the first step in a balance training progression?

To start a progression in balance training, it’s important to master postural control on a stable surface before moving on to more complex exercises.

Which of the following is the first step in a balance training progression?
In balance training, master postural control on a stable surface first.

Which muscles are typically underactive when the feet turn out?

In cases where feet turn outward in their positioning, it’s common for muscles, like the gastrocnemius and tibialis posterior, to be underactive. This affects walking patterns and stance.

Muscles When Feet Turn Out

Muscle NameStatus
Medial GastrocnemiusUnderactive
Tibialis PosteriorUnderactive
Tibialis AnteriorUnderactive
Gluteus MediusUnderactive
Gluteus MinimusUnderactive

Which subtopic of psychology deals with how the environment affects exercise behavior?

Environmental psychology focuses on studying how individuals interact with their surroundings. It explores how environmental factors influence exercise choices and routines.

Kettlebells were first used in which setting?

Kettlebells were first introduced in Russia. Initially used as tools for weighing crops. Over time, they evolved into training equipment.

What population is the VT2 talk test appropriate for?

The VT2 talk test works best for people of any fitness level given that it is an in vivo measure of exercise intensity, and simply requires the client to speak. It is most often used for individuals with performance goals since that group of clients will be more likely to train at a higher intensity, but it is not exclusive to this population.

What is a key mechanism involved in internal feedback?

Regarding internal feedback, proprioception plays a role in sensing the body’s position in space and making necessary adjustments to movements, even without you seeing where your body is in free space. Your sensory neurons will provide that information instead.. Improving proprioception serves to improve balance overall.

Which movement assessment utilizes weighted pulleys to assess a pushing movement?

This would refer to the standing push assessment.

What tests should be performed last in the overall assessment flow?

During the overall assessment flow process, it is recommended to administer maximum strength tests at the end. Although depending on the structure of your testing session, it may be more effective to have maximum strength tests on a separate day. This would be the case if the volume of tests that came before was so great that by the time the client got to performing maximal strength tests they were too fatigued to provide an accurate result.

How is fartlek training best described?

Fartlek training can be described as a combination of running and interval training, where runners vary their pace at intervals.

Which test provides the most personalized assessment of an individual’s baseline metabolic function?

For an evaluation of an individual’s true metabolic function, the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test is able to do this directly by determining an individual’s metabolic rate at rest. This isn’t a very practical measure though, since being at true rest requires a complete lack of physical activity. When the test is appropriately performed and proper controls are used, the individual will limit walking prior because any walking earlier in the day will elevate metabolic rate above baseline. However, RMR can be used in equations to predict TDEE, which is total daily energy expenditure. This value is more relevant to professional practice because increasing TDEE will increase calorie burning which in turn affects the rate of fat gain and rate of fat loss a client will experience. If the client is eating more calories than their total daily energy expenditure, they will gain fat and possibly muscle. If they are eating less calories than their total daily energy expenditure they will lose fat and possibly muscle.

You have a client seeking weight loss. What range of sets is most appropriate for SAQ drills?

Clients aiming for weight loss are typically advised to incorporate 1-2 sets of Speed, Agility, and Quickness (SAQ) drills into their routine to boost metabolism without overtraining.

During the standing cable chest press, the resistance should be positioned to do what?

When performing the standing cable chest press exercise, it is important to align the resistance with the individual’s chest height because the pectoralis major’s primary function is horizontal adduction of the shoulder joint which occurs in the transverse plane. Although the pectoralis major also plays a role in shoulder flexion, which occurs in the sagittal plane, this particular exercise de-emphasizes that function.

Horizontal adduction is most common during what type of movement?

During chest pressing movements, where horizontal adduction causes the arm to moves across the chest towards the midline of the body.

The anterior oblique subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?

The anterior oblique subsystem consists of components including oblique muscles, internal oblique muscles, adductor complex muscles, and contralateral anterior hip complex.

Anterior Oblique Subsystem Components

Muscle Group
Oblique Muscles
Internal Oblique Muscles
Adductor Complex Muscles
Contralateral Anterior Hip Complex

What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss clients?

For individuals who want to lose weight, it is recommended to include 1-2 sessions of Speed, Agility, and Quickness (SAQ) training per week. This can help boost metabolism and promote fat loss.

Which regions of the spine demonstrate kyphotic curves?

The thoracic spine curves outward to create a kyphotic curve. This is the region in your upper torso.

Most bodyweight training exercises are considered which type of movements?

Most exercises that use body weight are considered closed-chain movements. In these exercises, your limbs remain stationary against a surface.

The drawing-in maneuver increases activation of what muscle?

The drawing-in maneuver primarily activates the transverse abdominis muscle, which helps enhance stability in the core.

Which resistance training system is most appropriate for hypertensive clients?

Circuit training is a resistance training system for individuals with hypertension. It combines strength exercises while keeping rest intervals minimal. This can support improvements to metabolic health. It also naturally involves exercise performed at a lower intensity, which is defined as a percent of a one repetition maximum. Performing higher intensity resistance training exercises can lead to acute spikes in systolic blood pressure, which can place a lot of stress on the arterial walls of clients who are hypertensive. This effect is amplified if a client is performing heavy resistance training while also using the valsalva maneuver, where they hold their breath during a set in order to increase intraabdominal pressure in such a way that spinal stability increases, which in turn improves exercise performance. The valsalva maneuver is contraindicated for this population.

What is the primary limiting factor for exercise in the client with PAD?

For individuals with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), intermittent claudication or leg pain is typically the limitation of exercise.

Which of the following statements defines the chest skinfold location for men?

To measure chest thickness in men, you can locate it halfway between the axillary line and the nipple.

What are two contraindications for self-myofascial techniques?

There are two situations where self-myofascial techniques should be avoided: acute injury and recent surgery. These conditions can worsen with techniques.

What are two medical precautions for self-myofascial techniques?

When using self-myofascial techniques, certain medical precautions should be considered if you have osteoporosis or varicose veins. These conditions can be sensitive to pressure.

Which of the following is considered a superficial muscle of the core?

The rectus abdominis muscle is considered one of the superficial muscles of the core. It runs vertically along the front of your abdomen and is responsible for trunk flexion.

Superficial Core Muscles

Superficial Core MuscleFunction/Description
Rectus AbdominisFlexes the lumbar spine
External ObliquesAllows for trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Internal ObliquesContributes to trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Erector spinaeExtends and bends the back
Latissimus DorsiInvolved in pulling and lifting movements
Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)Assist in hip abduction, flexion, and internal rotation
IliocostalisPart of erector spinae; extends and laterally flexes the spine

What are the five kinetic chain checkpoints?

The five checkpoints for the kinetic chain consist of the foot and ankle, knee, lumbopelvic hip complex, shoulders, and head, and cervical spine.

Kinetic Chain Checkpoints

Foot and AnkleBase of the kinetic chain, supports weight and balance.
KneeProvides movement for working and bending.
Lumbopelvic Hip ComplexCore region responsible for stability and movement generation.
ShouldersInvolved in arm movement, lifting, and overhead activities.
Head and Curvical SpineSupports the head and is responsible for neck movement and positioning.

Most exercises and motions of the body regularly occur in which plane of motion?

Most exercises and body movements primarily occur in the sagittal plane, which divides the body into left and right halves. Although thinking about it this way can sometimes confuse exam candidates. You can also view it as motion where your body is moving front to back, like you would see during elbow flexion which is the motion that occurs about the elbow joint during a biceps curl.

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the single-leg squat?

When there is inward movement of the knee during a single-leg squat, it is common for the gluteus medius and vastus medialis oblique to be less active. This is because they are hip abductor muscles.

The intensity and direction of someone’s effort describes which of the following?

This refers to a client’s motivation and can characterize a specific exercise related behavior. Motivation can be viewed in a general overarching sense, or tied to motivation to engage in a very specific behavior in a very specific context, such as motivation to perform the 8th rep of the 3rd squatting set during today’s workout.

Which of the following tests is used to measure lateral speed and agility?

The Pro Shuttle (5-10-5) test is mainly used to assess speed and agility in individuals.

Which of the following statements describes the abdominal skinfold location?

To locate the measurement point accurately, measure approximately 2 centimeters to the right of the belly button vertically.

What is considered to be the mechanism of action with self-myofascial rolling?

Self-myofascial rolling stimulates the Golgi tendon organ, which helps relieve muscle tightness through neuromuscular inhibition.

What are the recommended training variables for dynamic stretching?

Dynamic Stretching Training Variables

Training VariablesRecommendation
DurationLess than 1 second per stretch
Repetitions10-15 repetitions
Sets1-2 sets
FrequencyDaily or during pre-activity warm-ups
IntensityControlled to a point of mild tension
TempoModerate to fast pace (under control)
Rest IntervalMinimal rest, enough to switch to next movement

The lengthening reaction is often seen with what type of flexibility technique?

The lengthening reaction technique commonly associated with inhibition occurs with static stretching methods.

Active and dynamic stretching utilizes which physiological action?

Active and dynamic stretching techniques take advantage of inhibition. This means that when one muscle contracts, its antagonist muscle relaxes. Although the primary mechanism for increased flexibility as a result of chronic stretching is an increase in pain tolerance.

Which type of assessment measures overall strength, stability, muscular endurance, and agility?

The Performance Assessment assesses aspects of fitness, including strength, stability, endurance, and agility. It provides insights into an individual’s functional fitness levels.

When properly activated, which muscle of the core creates tension in the thoracolumbar fascia?

When activated correctly, the transverse abdominis muscle creates tension in the thoracolumbar fascia, enhancing lumbar spine stability.

Improving frontside running mechanics is associated with which of the following?

Improving running mechanics is linked to optimizing both stride length and frequency, improving running efficiency.

Which of the following statements is true about proprietary blends?

Proprietary blends are formulations where specific ingredient amounts are not disclosed. Instead, only the total weight of the blend is provided.

What type of imagery occurs when a client imagines health-related outcomes?

Outcome imagery is when a client visualizes health-related outcomes while focusing on the potential benefits of making behavioral changes.

Why are proper frontside mechanics in sprinting important?

Having good frontside mechanics while sprinting is crucial for maximizing stride efficiency, reducing the risk of injuries, and enhancing forward propulsion while reducing braking force..

Which of the following is an appropriate assessment for a senior client who is sedentary?

For a senior client, the Rockport Walk Test is a suitable assessment by measuring cardiovascular fitness through a timed one-mile walk.

Which term specifically describes motor function of muscles in the lower extremity?

The term “pedal” specifically pertains to motor functions involving muscles in the extremities. It highlights movements and control related to feet.

Individuals with low-back pain have decreased activation of which local muscle of the core?

Individuals experiencing low back pain often display reduced activation of the multifidus muscle – a local muscle responsible for spine stability.

What type of resistance training exercise best describes a kettlebell bottoms-up movement?

A kettlebell bottoms-up movement can be described as an instability resistance training exercise that challenges grip strength and forearm engagement while also activating core muscles in the role of stabilizers to keep the trunk stable throughout the exercise’s range of motion.

Which of the following is the most highly progressed plyometric exercise?

The depth jump is considered to be the most advanced plyometric exercise. It involves dropping from a height and immediately jumping upon landing, requiring control of the nerves and muscles.

What does the acronym FITTE-VP, used to design aerobic (cardio) programs, represent?

FITTE VP is an acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Enjoyment, Volume and Progression. It’s a framework commonly used in designing exercise programs. This is an evolution of the FITT-VP model that you may have seen in other study materials, that also factors in the variable of enjoyment. Enjoyment is important for behavioral success and motivation.

FITTE VP Framework

FrequencyRefers to how often an exercise or activity is performed during a specified period.
IntensityRefers to the effort level or the magnitude of the exercise being performed.
TimeIndicates the duration of each exercise session.
TypeDescribes the specific exercise or activity being executed.
EnjoymentHighlights the significance of selecting exercises or activities that are pleasurable to the individual.
VolumeRepresents the total amount of physical training within a specified period.
ProgressionDetails the method in which exercise variables are increased over time.

Which regions of the spine demonstrate lordotic curves?

Lordosis refers to an inward curve of the lumbar spine, which is located in the region of your lower back.

In which population is Type 1 osteoporosis most prevalent?

Postmenopausal women are most commonly affected by Type 1 osteoporosis. This condition occurs when bone density decreases due to reduced levels of estrogen.

What is a characteristic of a Type II muscle fiber?

Type II muscle fibers are known as fast twitch fibers. They are larger in size and tire quickly compared to types of muscle fibers and are preferentially recruited during explosive  movements or heavy exercises.

How should the back be positioned when performing a bird dog exercise?

The bird dog exercise it’s important to maintain a neutral position in the back. This helps minimize stress on the spine while maximizing the engagement of the core muscles.

Which structures of the body does osteoporosis commonly affect?

Osteoporosis typically affects areas such as the spine, hips, and wrists. These specific areas become more susceptible to fractures when there is a decrease in bone density.

Structures Affected by Osteoporosis

Body structureDescription
SpineOne of the primary areas affected, where osteoporosis can lead to vertebral fractures.
HipsOsteoporosis can lead to hip fractures, which can severely impact mobility and independence.
WristsWrist fractures due to osteoporosis can make daily tasks and moments challenging.

Unrealistic goals can become a barrier when which of the following happens?

Unrealistic goals can become barriers when they demotivate or overwhelm individuals, making it difficult for them to adhere to fitness programs.

What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for beginner clients?

For beginner clients it is recommended that they rest for 30 to 60 seconds between SAQ reps (Speed Agility Quickness) to ensure recovery time.

The TRX rip trainer would most likely be utilized for which type of movement?

The TRX Rip Trainer is commonly utilized for movements that target core muscles and promote strength.

What is a safe flexibility modification that you can recommend to a client who has varicose veins?

If you have clients who have veins it’s best to avoid tissue massages. Instead suggest stretching and elevating the legs to improve blood circulation.

Strength-training machines provide training primarily in which planes of motion?

Strength training machines mainly focus on one movement pattern that is fixed, however most movement patterns will still involve a mix of multiple planes of motion. For example, the path the upper and lower arms travel when using a chest press machine will involve the sagittal, transverse, and frontal plane of motion at different joints. It just occurs to differing degrees with some planes being more emphasized than others. To illustrate this consider that the triceps only acts in the sagittal plane, and horizontal adduction of the shoulder joint – the primary function of the pectoralis major – operates in the transverse plane of motion.

Initially, how many sets of SAQ drills are recommended for older adults?

For adults it is recommended to start with one set of SAQ drills. This approach promotes safety and recovery while allowing for adaptation.

Which of the following is a component of quickness training?

Reaction time is an aspect of training as it helps individuals respond quickly to stimuli.

Which of the following is considered a component of NEAT?

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which includes activities like walking, standing or even fidgeting.

What type of client is ideally suited for Stage 2 training around VT1?

Clients who are ready for stage 2 training around VT1 are those transitioning from light exercise to more intense workouts.

Which upper-body yoga stretch is considered controversial and may be a risk for injury?

The Plow Pose in yoga has generated some controversy due to its strain on the neck and spine if it is not executed properly. Only individuals experienced with flexibility who do not have previous neck and spine issues should attempt this pose under qualified supervision.

How many repetitions of each SAQ drill is appropriate for youth athletes?

When it comes to youth athletes performing SAQ drills they should aim for 1 to 4 repetitions while ensuring form and avoiding overexertion.

How often is it recommended to reassess clientele?

It is recommended to reassess clients every 4 to 6 weeks. This allows for progress tracking and adjustment of training plans if needed.

How much rest should be given between each repetition of an SAQ exercise for young athletes?

For young athletes, taking a rest period of 15 to 60 seconds between each SAQ repetition ensures adequate recovery.

What are three postural distortion patterns to look for in static postural assessments?

During assessments be on the lookout for signs of anterior pelvic tilt/lower crossed syndrome, pronation distortion syndrome and upper crossed syndrome.

Postural Distortion Patterns in Assessments

Distortion PatternDescription
Anterior Pelvic Tilt/Lower Crossed Syndrome This pattern is characterized by an anterior tilt of the pelvis. It's often associated with tightness in the hip flexors and lumber extensors and weakness in the gluteals and core stabilizers.
Pronation Distortion SyndromeVisible signs include the feet flattening or turning out and knees moving inwards. This syndrome results from tightness in the calf muscles and inner thighs and weakness in the gluteals and foot arch muscles.
Upon Crossed SyndromeThis involves the forward rounding of the shoulders and a forward head posture. Muscular imbalances often include tightness in the chest and upper trapezius muscles, with weakness in the deep neck flexors and mid-back muscles.

How heavy should the medicine ball be when performing the soccer throw exercise?

When performing the soccer throw exercise it is recommended to use a medicine ball that weighs between 4-8 lbs for youth and 6-10 lbs for adults. In general, be sure to use a medicine ball that weights no more than 10% of bodyweight.

What are the recommended training variables for active stretching?

Active stretching involves holding stretches for a duration of 1-2 seconds and repeating them for 5-10 repetitions.

What are the recommended training variables for self-myofascial rolling?

The recommended training variables for self-myofascial rolling are daily, comfortable pressure, 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and utilizing tools like foam rollers.

Training Variables for Self-Myofascial Rolling

FrequencyDaily, especially on active days.
IntensityComfortable yet effective pressure.
time30 seconds to 2 minutes per tender area.
TypeTools like foam rollers.

How should the amortization phase of the stretch-shortening cycle be described?

During the stretch-shortening cycle the amortization phase serves as a transition time between the lengthening) and concentric (shortening) actions, where the muscle switches between each action.

Along with muscle protein synthesis, which of the following is an important function of protein?

On top of muscle protein synthesis, protein plays a role in enzyme function, hormone production and tissue repair.

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most demands on explosive power?

Weightlifting exercises such as the clean and jerk or snatch place significant demands on explosiveness and power.

What is the most appropriate SAQ program design for a beginner adult who is apparently healthy?

For beginner adults doing an SAQ program, include drills of low to moderate intensity that primarily focus on technique development and building skills.

Which of the following describes a benefit of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) boosts the metabolic rate, burns calories, and improves health with shorter workout durations.

Repeat squat jumps are a progression for which of the following exercises?

Squat jumps are considered a foundational plyometric exercise. Repeat squat jumps are a more advanced, intense variation that incorporates explosive movements in rapid succession.

Which statement best describes the neurophysiological effect that occurs from myofascial rolling?

Myofascial rolling helps create muscle inhibitions by reducing neural activity in tight muscle areas. This can promote relaxation and enhance mobility.

Which statement best describes how the body adapts during prolonged bouts of exercise?

During prolonged periods of exercise, the body adapts by shifting from using carbohydrates for energy to relying on fat oxidation. This helps conserve glycogen stores. Additionally, systemic cardiovascular improvements occur, such as increased cardiac output and efficient utilization of oxygen.

What location on the body does NASM recommend for measuring the resting heart rate?

To accurately measure resting heart rate, it is recommended to assess at the radial artery, located on the thumb side of the wrist. This specific location provides a clear pulse reading and is easily accessible.

Which statement about a certified personal trainer’s scope of practice is accurate?

The main responsibility of a certified trainer is to create and implement exercise programs tailored to an individual’s goals and health status. However, they are not qualified to diagnose conditions, prescribe treatments, or provide nutrition-based therapy unless they are otherwise qualified.

Which of the following is true for elastic resistance bands as a modality?

Elastic resistance bands offer increasing resistance throughout the range of motion during exercises, providing a different form of resistance when compared to free weights that offer consistent resistance. The amount of force muscles need to provide at each point in the range of motion will differ when contrasting the two types of training.

What should be the first step in a client’s program after the assessment?

After guiding a client through the initial assessment, the next step in their program is to set SMART goals based on the client’s overall motivation for beginning training.

What is a regression for the box jump-up with stabilization?

For the Box Jump Up with Stabilization, a suitable regression exercise would be the Box Step-Up with Stabilization.

Squat, push, pull, press, hip hinge, and multiplanar movement are all known as what?

The squat, push, pull, press, hip hinge, and multiplanar movements are exercises commonly known as “functional movement patterns.” These movements mimic daily activities and serve as foundational components for comprehensive strength and conditioning programs.

What is the first step in the 7-step process for applying nutrition programming principles?

When it comes to nutrition programming the first step in the 7-step process is gathering baseline information about the client. This involves understanding their eating habits, food preferences, health status, goals, and any potential challenges they may face.

7 Step Process for Nutrition Programming

Step 1Gathering baseline information about the client, which includes eating habits, food preferences, health status, goals, and potential challenges.
Step 2Assessment of nutritional needs based on activity level and goals.
Step 3Creation of a nutrition plan tailored to the client's goal and needs.
Step 4Implementation of the plan with guidance and support.
Step 5Monitoring progress and adjusting as needed.
Step 6Continues education to keep the client informed and engaged.
Step 7Re-assessment and tweaking based on results and evolving goals.

Social physique anxiety is more prevalent in which population?

Social physique anxiety refers to the fear of being judged by others based on one’s body. It is statistically more prevalent among women than men. Moreover, individuals in fitness or body-focused environments like gyms or performing arts tend to experience higher levels of social physique anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any approved online CPR/AED courses?

To be accepted, your first responder certificates need to be hands-on or at least include a hands-on component. Many organizations are now able to offer this remotely over zoom, such as the American Heart Association. If you take this route, you will be mailed a practice training dummy as well as other materials you’d need to practice CPR and AED use.

Are there any special allowances offered for the NASM-CPT exam?

Yes, NASM provides easy access accommodations in accordance with the Disabilities Act of 1990.

What are the NASM-approved First Aid and CPR/AED providers?

  • NASM recognizes the following providers:
  • American Heart Association
  • American Red Cross
  • American Safety and Health Institute
  • Emergency Care & Safety Institute
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • St. John Ambulance

Does NASM-CPT have a practice exam?

Yes, there are several different CPT practice test iterations. Which ones you get and how many you’ll receive will depend on the package you purchase.

How do I receive my exam score?

Exam scores are not released directly by NASM but will be provided to you by the proctoring partner who was in charge of administering the exam.

Upon failing the exam, what is the retake policy, and when can I reschedule an exam appointment?

You can retest if you either failed or missed your exam appointment deadline. There is a $199 fee associated with retaking. Contact the Membership Service team for more details.

What is my Enrollment ID?

This is your unique student identification code used to access your enrollment, student portal, and membership. This ID is also necessary when it comes time to schedule your exam.

What is the cancellation and rescheduling process for the exam?

To cancel or reschedule, simply access your Measure account. Once here. Select “Exams”, where you’ll be able to cancel or transfer your exam booking.

How long does the NASM certification take, and what is the deadline for my NASM-CPT exam, if any?

The deadline for course completion, including examination, is 180 days from enrollment/purchase.

On the other hand, NASM recertification takes place every two years. You’ll need to complete 2.0 CEUs, verify current and valid CPR/AED certifications, and submit a $99 NASM recertification fee.

Where can I learn about the exam deadline?

Your exam expiration date can be located by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your NASM student portal
  2. Click on My Account followed by “Courses”.
  3. Find your “CPT Exam” enrollment in the course list and click the blue action icon (Play button).
  4. This will take you to the enrollment page, which displays your enrollment period.

What is the process behind extending my enrollment period?

Contact the membership service team for extension instructions; a fee of $75 is required upon approval.

What is the scheduling process for my CPT exam?

Upon receiving your Measure Registration email (typically 2-4 days after signing up to NASM), you will be able to book your exam.

Exams will need to be done at least 24 hours before the desired testing time in order to secure one of the NASM exam locations.

What steps are necessary if I miss my exam appointment?

Upon missing an appointment, you will need to contact the NASM Member Service Team in order to reinstate your eligibility. This will incur an additional fee.

When will my certificate be delivered upon passing?

Certifications are delivered to your registered email within 4 – 6 weeks of passing.

What is the scheduling process for my CPT exam?

Upon receiving your Measure Registration email (typically 2-4 days after signing up to NASM), you will be able to book your exam.

Exams will need to be done at least 24 hours before the desired testing time in order to secure one of the NASM exam locations.

What other study materials do you recommend for NASM?

It is important to get a good amount of NASM test practice for this exam given the volume of material within it. The material can be overwhelming when you don’t have previous exercise science knowledge going in.

To help, I would recommend our study programs with NASM flashcards, practice NASM tests, and as much other help with memorization of material.

It can also help to practice some fitness assessments with friends and family, as this is an important and unique part of the NASM material.

NASM Practice Test Conclusion

We recommend NASM as a top tier certification for exercise professionals with the potential to earn you a high personal trainer salary. It is one of the better NCCA personal trainer certs and certainly the most popular.

Trainer Academy has other study resources should you decide to pick another certification test. From our free practice test options to our premium study packages.

If you decide on the ACE personal trainer test, we have an ACE practice exam and an ACE study guide to ensure you pass your assessments with ease. These are superior to courses like iprep, since iprep and others charge you for everything and give no free value-adds.

For the NSCA CSCS there is a CSCS practice test and CSCS study guide.

We also have a NASM vs ACSM comparison as well as ACSM vs ACE and ISSA vs ACE, so you can find the right cert for you!


  1. Clark MA, Lucett SC, Mcgill E, Montel I, Sutton B. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Burlington Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2018. https://www.amazon.com/NASM-Essentials-Personal-Fitness-Training/dp/1284160084
  2. ‌Ahmed S, Rashid M, Sarkar A, et al. Fitness Trainers’ Educational Qualification and Experience and Its Association with Their Trainees’ Musculoskeletal Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study. Sports. 2022;10(9):129. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/sports10090129
  3. ‌Payne A. Why Personal Training Certification is Necessary. blog.nasm.org. https://blog.nasm.org/certified-personal-trainer/why-personal-trainer-certification-is-important
  4. Biyikli, T. (2018). Comparison of Physical Parameters of the Individuals Who Have Received NASM-OPT Model & EMS Training in Combination with Traditional Fitness Training Applications Regularly as Personal Training (PT) for 20 Weeks. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(12), 158-171.
  5. Lopez, P., Radaelli, R., Taaffe, D. R., Newton, R. U., Galvão, D. A., Trajano, G. S., … & Pinto, R. S. (2021). Resistance training load effects on muscle hypertrophy and strength gain: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 53(6), 1206.
  6. Knudson, D. V., & Knudson, D. (2007). Fundamentals of biomechanics (Vol. 183). New York: Springer.
  7. Clark, M., & Lucett, S. (Eds.). (2010). NASM essentials of corrective exercise training. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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Domenic Angelino

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Our MVP enrollments include an exam Pass Guarantee. IPTA CPT: upon course completion, enjoy unlimited retakes until you pass. For other certifications, we refund study material costs and cover retake fees ranging from $99 to $475, depending on the organization and course completion.


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We will confirm your program completion via your account, process a full refund, and transfer $99 to $475 for the exam retake fee, depending on the organization. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access, except for IPTA CPT, which already has lifetime access.

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Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACE CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $249 exam retake fee with the American Council on Exercise.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by ACE.

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We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $249 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with the National Academy of sports medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by NASM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NSCA CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $300-$435 (whether you are an NSCA member or not) exam retake fee with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NSCA.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $300-$435 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACSM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with The American College of Sports Medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ACSM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NCSF CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The National Council on Strength and Fitness.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NCSF.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free.