What is the best online personal trainer certification?

Written By

Domenic Angelino


Best online personal trainer certification

Which online PT certification is best for you?

We created this essential quiz to help you choose the perfect certification for YOU based on your goals, learning style, and more.

Welcome to Trainer Academy’s ultimate breakdown of the best personal trainer certifications and courses. 

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • The top 6 personal trainer certifications you can take online
  • The top 3 courses to become a personal trainer online
  • The differences between them and how each can improve your business 

By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly which online certification is for you and the perfect online course to help your business boom! 

With that said, let’s begin. 

We highly recommend that you take our helpful quiz to find the best online PT certification for you.

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Best Personal Trainer Certifications to Take Online

The digital age has made everything more accessible, including becoming a certified personal trainer

Unlike in the early 2000s and 2010s, when most things were still paperbound, education has moved online. 

There’s no need for clunky textbooks and hundreds of flashcards, and the certification programs have realized that. 

There are now plenty of digital resources available that are convenient to use, with different options available for different learning styles.

Although the delivery is different, the information remains the same.

In these certifications, you still learn how to assess clients, motivate clients to live healthier lives and program for various training goals. 

Unlike training clients online, which we’ll cover later, holding a personal trainer certification is still a requirement to work with clientele in most traditional gyms. 

Choosing which certification will best suit you is challenging, but we’ve compiled a list of the top 6 programs to become a certified personal trainer online. Each program is different and will have its own strengths and weaknesses.

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

The International Sports Sciences Association personal training certification was one of the first to be offered entirely online. 

Before their NCCA accreditation, the ISSA CPT was accredited through the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is commonly used to accredit colleges and universities offering online learning. 

Certification Overview

The ISSA CPT is widely recognized and focuses on applied aspects of being a personal trainer.

The curriculum covers the basics like client relationship management, client evaluation, exercise prescription, nutrition, and the business side of personal training in a way that focuses on the more practical aspects.

Unlike many certifications that focus mainly on exercise science and program design, the ISSA CPT emphasizes what fitness professionals need to know to build a sustainable business for a long career in the fitness industry. This is particularly helpful for personal trainers who plan to go independent or start their own business at some point in their career.

The fully online education helps decrease the exam cost and necessary materials, making it an excellent option for newer personal trainers. 


The ISSA was originally accredited through the DEAC, the gold standard for delivering online education. 

More recently, though, their certifications are accredited through the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). 

Accreditation is essential for certifications as it signals the certification has met a certain standard of rigor. This means that the education it provides is guaranteed to be at or above a certain level. It also means that the certification will be regarded as being more trustworthy by potential employers, given the certification is regulated by an external body.

If you find an online certification that isn’t accredited through either of these organizations, you should probably avoid them. It’s unlikely unaccredited certifications will serve you in your career and it can be hard to trust that what you learn wouldn’t also include misinformation.


The International Sports Sciences Association is highly transparent with its certification offerings. 

Their base offer of just their personal trainer certification costs students $93.28/month for 12 months for $1,119.36.

This gives students access to the online personal trainer program and a success coach who provides mentoring and study tips to pass your exam. 

The ISSA offers certification bundles where you can get up to 3 certifications for a discounted price, like their nutritionist or group fitness instructor certifications.

In fact, if you want to become a nutrition coach, then definitely explore the ISSA Nutritionist certification.

The ISSA Nutritionist is one of the best nutrition certifications overall, falling in line with the NASM CNC nutrition certification.

However, if you want to go this route, then I do recommend that you compare NASM vs. ISSA and the ISSA Nutritionist vs. NASM CNC.

You save money, but you come out with a better understanding of how to coach and train clients. 

Since this is a fully online certification, study materials will be provided through a digital platform. 

The study materials included with the ISSA CPT are:

  • An online textbook
  • Personal trainer practice exams
  • An online workbook and student forum
  • Audio and video lectures
  • The certification exam
  • A free website

One of the standout benefits of choosing the ISSA is their free website offering for new trainers. 

In a world where your brand is one of the most critical things becoming certified and having a website can set you apart from the crowd.

Certification Exam and Recertification

If there is anything you need to know about a personal trainer certification, it will be about its exam. 

If you cannot pass, there’s no point in investing time, money, and effort into a certification. It can also be pretty expensive if you find yourself retaking the same exam multiple times in an effort to pass.

The ISSA CPT has a pass rate of 90%, so it is on the easier side. This is in part due to its more applied focus which can make for easier testing material.

However, it is largely because the ISSA CPT has an open book exam which can help with the stress of test-taking and focuses on your ability to apply what you learned rather than to have it memorized.

Unlike other certifications that require recalling information, the ISSA wants you to understand the details and challenges of being a personal trainer. 

To pass the exam, you must know and apply the information you’re learning. 

This sets new trainers up for a successful early career in the field because the fundamentals matter the most early on. They’re what people get tripped up on first and have the highest impact on client outcomes. Understanding the nuances of Kinesiology is helpful, but it only matters if you’re able to successfully support, manage, and retain clients first.

There is no time frame to take the exam, allowing you to invest time into understanding the material as fully as you’d like. 

Personal trainer certifications also require students to recertify with continuing education to ensure they’re still learning and growing. This helps trainers stay abreast of modern standards of practice since science is always moving forward, resulting in more refined understandings of the basic principles of exercise science and its applied practice.

The recertification period for the ISSA CPT is every 2 years. 

After that, the cost for recertification is between $0 and $99, depending on your continuing education credits. If all continuing education credits are obtained through ISSA, the fee is reduced to $0. However, there are late fees attached if you recertify after the expiration date. The latest you can recertify after the expiration date is 12 months, and it comes with a $50 late fee.

The ISSA requires 20 continuing education hours to be completed every 2 years.


  • NCCA Accreditation 
  • The exam requires students to apply the information they have learned
  • Inexpensive certification with an affordable payment plan
  • High pass rate
  • Heavy emphasis on business education and a free website provided


  • The open book exam may attract low-quality trainers 
  • The open book exam makes it easier to not actually learn much of the information despite passing the exam
  • Self-paced with no deadline for the exam can cause you to put it off

Closing Thoughts

The ISSA CPT is one of the top certifications in the market. 

It’s affordable, provides trainers with a well-rounded education, and has the top exam pass rate in the industry. 

The business education from the ISSA provides new trainers with a head start in building their own businesses. 

While some certifications provide exercise science and programming information, the ISSA focuses on business and client management acumen that helps new trainers succeed long-term in the industry. 
Providing a jump start on branding and business allows personal trainers to stay in the fitness industry long-term and make a difference in more lives.

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

Regarding personal trainer certifications, few top the NASM CPT for reliability and expertise within the fitness industry. 

When applying for personal trainer jobs, you’ll find the NASM CPT is the most frequently desired personal training certification.

Certification Overview

The National Academy of Sports Medicine is one of the most popular certification organizations for personal trainers. 

NASM has over 30 years of certifying and educating fitness professionals, and their personal trainer certification is sought after by most gyms. It covers all of the basics, but is particularly proficient at providing education around corrective exercise and common movement pathologies.

NASM has made its certification 100% online with the recent shift into online learning. 

All of the study information you need can be accessed from your computer; however, you can still purchase a physical textbook. 

NASM offers four different study packages: basic, standard, plus, and premium, which vary in price and what you receive as a student. 

Like the ISSA, NASM offers payment plans to make their certification affordable for new trainers. 


The NASM CPT is accredited through the NCCA, ensuring that your learning material is relevant and up to date. 

Again the NCCA accreditation is the most prestigious certifying body you should look for when choosing a certification. 

Study Materials and Cost

Often, the cost and study materials can determine which certification you choose. 

NASM Personal fitness training textbook cover with a journal, sharpie, and highlighter

The NASM CPT has multiple offerings catering to different people. 

Their Basic option costs $899, or you can make a monthly payment of $79 for 11 months, plus a $25 down payment, making it more doable for trainers who have not started in the industry yet. 

The most popular option is the CPT Essentials Bundle Plus package which costs $1,329 or $117 per month over 11 months with a $25 down payment. 

NASM routinely offers discounts on their certifications and occasionally will provide an additional certification.

Make sure you check every few weeks to get the best deal! 

The study materials that are included in the Basic option are

  • The NCCA accredited certification exam
  • Online learning platform
  • Practice exams, quizzes, and various handouts
  • Chapter videos, audio summaries, and an exercise technique library
  • Biodigital 3D models
  • You also have the option of paying a little extra for an optional add-on of a virtual coaching
  • A virtual coaching specialization designed to help you build an online business.

The basic plan offers everything you need to succeed in becoming a personal trainer. 

However, if you want more resources, like a physical textbook, access to certified NASM fitness trainers, and a job guarantee, you probably want to consider their plus Premium Study plus plan, or any of their other more expensive options. If you don’t get a job within 90 days of certification, the cost of the job guarantee will be refunded to your bank account. 

Having better study materials will mean you increase the likelihood that you will pass the personal trainer certification exam. It also means that you will learn more about being a personal trainer and have a stronger educational foundation to jumpstart your personal training career from. The better you understand the foundational material, the easier it will be for you to become a better personal trainer with better client outcomes.

Also, I recommend the NASM study guide and NASM practice test.

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Certification Exam and Recertification

The NASM CPT exam is considered somewhat difficult. 

The exam consists of 120 multiple choice questions ranging from exercise science to the psychology of behavior change. 

Considering that you can take the entire certification online, the exam is now something you can do in the comfort of your own home. This is similar to most other modern certifications.

The exam will be proctored via webcam, and it is dissimilar from the ISSA CPT because it is not an open-book exam. 

The exam has a 79% pass rate for those taking the test for the first time. Despite this not being on the low end, with just under four fifths of candidates  being able to pass, NASM provides high quality education. Their program is rigorous but provides adequate education and tools for candidates to pass, despite its rigor. This is one of the reasons that NASM is sought-after by employers, because its standards are somewhat higher than other options. This signals that the minimum level of competency of a NASM certified trainer will be higher than other options on average.

You’ll have to put time and effort into your studies to ensure a passing grade. 

To keep your certification up to date, you’ll need to recertify every two years. 

NASM prides its trainers on the cutting edge of education, so you’ll need to earn 2 CEUs every two years, including your CPR/AED certification. 

NASM offers members the option to recertify for life for a one-time fee of $399. You’ll receive a few benefits with this option, including: 

  • 30% discount on NASM certifications
  • Live workshops
  • Free shipping on certification packages
  • Presale offers

It’s something to consider if you have some spare cash unless you don’t mind completing continuing online continuing education courses and paying a fee every two years. 


  • NCCA Accreditation 
  • Online exam and study materials
  • Most accepted personal training certifications at gyms
  • Well rounded education 


  • Limited reach outside of the United States
  • Expensive study packages

Closing Thoughts

You really can’t go wrong when choosing the NASM CPT. 

NASM offers a well-rounded education, top-of-the-line study materials, and an online platform allowing you to study and take your exam in your home. 

If you’re looking to get your foot in the door immediately after you pass your exam, you’ll have no better chance than with a NASM CPT in hand. 

The focus on corrective exercise is especially helpful when you aim to work with the average non athletic adult because many people deal with muscular imbalances and various musculoskeletal issues as a result of habits built into their lifestyle. 

You can even move into training athletes and expand your knowledge with other certifications they offer.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE)

The American Council on Exercise is the best online personal training certification for working with clients who may struggle with health behavior change, exercise adoption, or exercise adherence.

Unlike ACE’s popular health coach certification, their CPT will prepare you for training clients on the gym floor, providing all of the education you’d expect from a typical personal training certification, just with a skew towards client relationships and management.

Certification Overview

The ACE CPT is one of the leading certifications with a client-centered approach for personal trainers. 

The ACE CPT is now offered entirely online and self-paced, with most students passing their exams within 6 months. 

The ACE CPT provides personal trainers with the knowledge to progress clients through exercise programs and improve their health and well-being. 

If you’re looking to empower clients with a healthy lifestyle-based approach, the ACE CPT is right up your alley. 


The ACE CPT is accredited through the NCCA, the gold standard in personal training accrediting bodies. 

Study Materials and Cost

ACE offers students three different options when it comes to study packages. 

They have the Basic, Plus, and Advantage plans, which provide students with various resources. 

The Basic plan will cost students $850, the Plus costs $945, and the Advantage costs $1,175. 

ACE does offer payment plans, and you can often score discounts on all of these packages making them more affordable. 

ace cpt certification textbook with notebook and pen

Inside the various study packages, students will be provided with the following: 

  • Access to ACE University
  • The ACE NCCA Accredited Exam
  • A digital textbook, study companion, and ACE Answers
  • Up to 4 practice exams (depending on the package) 

If you decide on the Plus or Advantage packages, you’ll receive more materials, including an Exercise 1-on-1 course, access to 1-on-1 support, and even live study webinars.

Trainer Academy does offer premium ACE study materials, so if you’re looking to cut costs on the training package, you can check those out! 

Read through the ACE study guide and test your knowledge with its respective ACE practice test.

Certification Exam and Recertification

The ACE CPT exam is offered entirely online from the comfort of your home.

It is proctored via a webcam like the NASM exam, so it is not an open-book test. 

There are 150 questions on all topics, and you’ll need 500 points out of 800 points to pass the exam. 

As with most personal training certifications, you will need to recertify every two years. 

To recertify with ACE, you’ll need 20 hours of continuing education credits, and you must pay the recertification fee. 

ACE provides students with plenty of inexpensive but informative continuing education classes. 

You can also earn continuing education by renewing your CPR/AED certification. 


  • Become an expert in training the general fitness population 
  • Well-rounded education focusing on the holistic side of training
  • Inexpensive continuing education courses
  • NCCA Accredited


  • Generally accepted certification, but not as prestigious as NASM, see NASM vs. ACE for more details
  • Focuses more on health coaching than exercise science, anatomy, and training

Closing Thoughts

The ACE CPT is an excellent choice for personal trainers who tend to be on the holistic exercise side of training. 

This isn’t to say that you cannot become a well-versed, evidence-based personal trainer, but ACE does focus its curriculum on health and behavior coaching. 

Still, your chances of earning a job at a gym increase exponentially with an ACE CPT behind your name! 

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

The American College of Sports Medicine is a non-profit certification organization founded in 1954. 

The American College of Sports Medicine was founded to provide sports medicine and fitness trainers with practical information. 

The ACSM has a long history of evidence-based education, providing trainers with a background in exercise science research. Many of the contributors and active professional members have PhDs in exercise science and have conducted independent academic research in the field for a long time. This has resulted in the ACSM having a more clinical and methodological approach than some of its other personal training certification counterparts.

Certification Overview

The ACSM CPT is a respected certification because of the ACSM’s long history of contributing to novel research in the broader health and fitness field. The organization even hosts multiple regional conferences each year, alongside a national conference, to present and disseminate recent research findings to conference attendees. Each conference essentially functions as a gathering spot for many prominent scientists in the field.

A trainer with the ACSM CPT will likely be able to work wherever they want because of the practical and scientific knowledge you’ll learn throughout your certification. This also prepares you to excel in non-traditional positions that require you to have a deeper understanding of exercise science and its underlying principles.

You’ll have to study hard for this certification, even though the ACSM CPT does have a pass rate of 689%, which is on the low end with slightly greater than three fifths of candidates actually passing.  

The ACSM has moved entirely online, offering you the opportunity to take your exam from the comfort of your home. 

The shift to at-home tests makes the ACSM exam less intimidating since you’re in a familiar location. 


The ACSM CPT is accredited through the NCCA, giving them the appropriate badge of honor. 

Study Materials and Cost

The ACSM CPT has a challenging exam meaning the study material you get will be extremely important. 

Unlike most certifications, the ACSM does not provide bundles. 

You’ll have to purchase the exam and study materials separately, costing you more money.

The exam cost is $299 for ACSM members and $399 for non-members. 

They also have a retest price of $199. 

ACSM CPT textbook cover with a journal and study materials ready to go to the left

Below are the following items you can get access to

  • The ACSM CPT Prep Course – $529
  • ACSM Resources for Personal Trainers Textbook – $132.12
  • ACSM Guideline for Exercise Testing and Prescription Textbook – $55.70
  • Online Practice Questions – $110.47
  • Online Flash Cards – $51.99
  • Online Facebook Study Group – Free

As you can see, all of these materials quickly add up in costs. 

There are available third-party options that can save you money and prepare you just as well for the exam. 

I would check out our Trainer Academy MVP Study System, which will reduce your study time while increasing your chances of passing the exam! 

Certification Exam and Recertification 

As mentioned previously, the ACSM does have a pass rate of 68%, but it will still require preparation. 

The ACSM exam consists of 150 questions, with only 120 counting towards your final score. 

This doesn’t mean you get to just skip 30 questions and still pass.

The 30 questions are experimental questions for newer exams, and the ACSM doesn’t tell you which questions are scored or unscored, meaning you still have to try on every question. 

You also receive 165 minutes to complete your exam. 

The ACSM exam is broken down into four different domains, each testing you on a different skill set of being a personal trainer. 

These domains include client assessment, programming, leadership skills, and the legal aspect of being a personal trainer. 

Unlike the previous certifications, the ACSM has a 3 year period for recertification. 

However, you’ll need to complete more continuing education hours, which the ACSM requires 45 for their CPT. 

The ACSM does offer quality continuing education credits in the form of online learning, fitness training seminars, and their international summit. 


  • Gain a certification with a research and evidence-based background
  • Be a part of a long staining and reputable organization
  • 3-year recertification period
  • NCCA accredited certification


  • Expensive study materials need to be bought separately
  • More emphasis on special populations versus program design and resistance training

Closing Thoughts

The ACSM CPT is a reputable certification that will increase your chances of being hired as a personal trainer. 

The ACSM is a reputable organization that has provided countless advancements in the fitness industry. 

The ACSM CPT can help you learn much about exercise technique, program design, exercise physiology, basic biomechanics, and principles of exercise testing and prescription. It also has in-depth coverage of personal training best practices for work with various special populations. This includes children, the elderly, and individuals managing cardiometabolic diseases, among other groups.

The ACSM prides itself on its research and scientific foundations but can lack in its preparation for brand new trainers. 

Either way, you can’t go wrong when choosing the ACSM CPT!

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

The NSCA is the leader in strength and conditioning and has undoubtedly made an impact with its personal trainer certification. 

The National Strength and Conditioning Association personal training certification provides its trainers with industry-leading science and name recognition that is difficult to top. 

While most gyms will recognize the NSCA for its CSCS, their personal trainer certification should not be overlooked. The NSCA CPT is of exceptionally high quality.

Certification Overview

The NSCA focuses mainly on sports performance, so it’s best suited for trainers who aim to work with athletes at some point in their career. When working with the average person, optimizing exercise programming is secondary to optimizing behavioral aspects of the client trainer relationship. But, athletes are a bit different. They tend to be on top of exercise adherence, so your main goal is to really maximize the effectiveness of their training. The NSCA CPT is perfect for this since it provides you with the most in-depth and intricate personal training certification education on program design, exercise prescription, and biomechanics. 

Its CPT has recently brought its industry-leading knowledge to fitness instructors and group fitness trainers. 

Passing the NCSA’s CPT means you have the knowledge to create fitness programs, assess clients, and provide expert exercise techniques. 

You’ll need your CPR and AED certification and a high school diploma like most fitness certifications

The major downside of the NSCA’s CPT is that you cannot take the final certification exam from home. 

You can study and prepare for your exam online; however, you must still attend a testing center. 


Similar to other top tier personal training certifications, the NSCA CPT is accredited through the NCCA. 

Study Materials and Cost

The NSCA CPT textbook showing the cover along with a journal, highlighter, and sharpie

The NSCA has two different study package options. 

  • NSCA CPT Essential package – $273 for members and $346 for non-members
  • NSCA CPT Platinum package – $480 for members and $585 for non-members

The exam price for members is $300 and $435 for non-members. 

The essential and essential plus packages come with a textbook and the study guide, which can be valuable for your preparation. 

In contrast, the digital package has just the personal trainer study guide and online practice questions. 

Practice questions will always be a valuable resource to have as they show you how the NSCA likes to ask their questions. 

Not having a textbook can hurt your chances, but it isn’t 100% necessary. 

Please check out the Trainer Academy MVP Study System if you’re looking for high-quality study materials that won’t break the bank!

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Certification Exam and Recertification 

The NSCA CPT exam is broken into four different domains: 

  • Client consultation/fitness assessment
  • Build proper exercise programs
  • Technique of exercise
  • Safety, emergency procedures, and legal issues

Each domain will have between 25-35 video or image questions to assess your skills and knowledge as a personal trainer. 

As of 2024, the pass rate for the NSCA CPT is 66% for first time candidates. 

The NSCA requires recertification every two years and asks trainers to complete 20 hours of continuing education. 


  • Name recognition of the NSCA
  • Highly scientific and evidence-based curriculum 
  • A high pass rate for a personal trainer exam
  • Excellent at preparing you to train and work with athletes
  • NCCA Accredited


  • Expensive and little variety in study package options
  • You can only take the exam in person

Closing Thoughts

You can’t go wrong if you choose a certification from the NSCA. 

You’ll be in high demand when applying for jobs, you’ll feel confident in the education you receive, and you’ll have access to excellent continuing education credits. 

The NSCA CPT will still be a challenge, and you’ll need to prepare hard for the exam, but with the right amount of studying and appropriate materials, you should feel confident passing your exam!

Want to become a strength and conditioning coach?

Then I highly recommend the CSCS study guide and CSCS practice test to get the gist of its content.

The NSCA-CSCS is one of the best strength and conditioning certifications.

The National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)

The NCSF personal training certification is newer in the certifying world as it was established in 1996. 

The NCSF is still a widely accepted personal trainer certification and is an excellent option for new personal trainers.

Certification Overview

Although the NCSF certification is still relatively new, it has impacted the fitness community. 

With over 325,000 fitness professionals certified in 160 countries, the NCSF truly has an international reach. 

The NCSF also has relationships with some of the bigger gyms in the fitness industry like LA Fitness, Gold’s, and Equinox. This is worth considering if you have an interest in working at one of those locations. LA Fitness and Gold’s are great entry-level places to work if you’re trying to get your foot in the door at your first personal training job.

The NCSF exam can be taken online, making it more appealing. 


The NCSF exam is accredited through the NCCA. 

Study Materials and Cost

The NCSF personal training textbook showing the cover and with a learner preparing to use a journal, highlighter, and pen

The NCSF offers 4 different certification bundles within a relatively tight budget. 

Like most certifications, they offer discounts periodically, but below are the outlined prices: 

  • Home Study – $799
  • Home Study + – $899
  • CPT + SNS – $1,299
  • CPT + CSC – $1,399

The difference between the home study and the other options is that you can bundle your CPT certification with another auxiliary certification so that you double your professional credentials all in one go.

The NCSF also offers payment plans on all their certifications and various packages for multiple certifications. 

The study materials include:

  • A digital textbook
  • Instructional videos and lesson notes
  • Review quizzes and question answers
  • A 16-hour workshop if you choose the workshop program 
  • One year of NCSF membership 

The study materials are good, but the workshop option sets this certification apart from others. 

Certification Exam and Recertification 

The NCSF online personal trainer certification exam consists of 150 health, fitness, exercise prescription, and programming questions. 

In 2024 the NCSF exam had a pass rate of about 79%, making this one of the more straightforward exams to pass. 

As always, don’t let a high pass rate keep you from studying! 

NCSF-certified personal trainers will be required to recertify every two years with 20 hours of continuing education credits. 

This is pretty standard across the industry. 

They also require you to stay up-to-date on your CPR/AED certifications. 


  • Payment plans and discounts offered 
  • High Pass rate
  • Relationships with large gyms


  • Study materials don’t offer the best industry information 
  • Newer certification means it doesn’t have as good a reputation as other big-name certifications

Closing Thoughts

The NCSF CPT is an excellent option for new and international personal trainers. 

The aspect that stands out is their live workshop study option which can provide new trainers with real experience before they ever set foot on the gym floor. 
Choosing this option can make up for the lack of information provided in the textbook and study information, as experience can provide a better understanding of the fitness industry.

Best Personal Trainer Certifications for Being an Online Trainer

Now that we’ve touched on 6 of the top personal trainer certifications you can take online, it’s time for us to change our focus to non-traditional online personal training programs. These are other options available to you, though not as high quality as the top 6 online personal training certification programs we covered above. 

The difference in these sections is that the first 6 certifications we looked at are programs that certify you as a personal trainer while providing you with a comprehensive education, all accredited by a third party. The following programs offer a less robust education, and may not be fully accredited.

These certifications are also offered online, making them convenient and cost-effective. 

The following 3 programs we will evaluate instead prepare you to build an effective and lucrative online training business. This can still be valuable in the sense that it could help you upskill yourself.

Let’s then take a look at these programs!

Fitness Mentors Certified Online Personal Trainer (COPT)

Fitness Mentors have been educating personal trainers for years, and they’ve taken their guidance and created an online fitness coach certification. 

Certification Overview

Although primarily an information and education platform, Fitness Mentos has turned to certify in-person and online personal trainers. 

The education platform they’ve built over the years online has allowed them to shift into educating personal trainers further and advancing their careers. 

Inside their online personal trainer certification, you’ll learn how to successfully build your online training empire and do it in a way that provides you more time and money. 

This certification is also accredited through the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. 

Unlike the personal trainer certifications mentioned above, this won’t teach you how to train clients but how to deliver your programming and coaching effectively. It focuses more on soft skills than hard science.

Certification Cost and Study Materials

The Fitness Mentors Certified Online Personal Trainer program typically varies in cost depending on which program bundle you go with. You can get the Starter bundle, which covers all of the essentials for $499. If you pay a little extra for the Plus Bundle, which is their most popular at $729, you get two certifications rather than one. 

Their Modern Trainer Bundle at $999 will award you with three certifications, and their Ultimate Bundle at $1599 will award you with six certifications. 

All bundles except for the Starter package will also grant you a 1 year long mentorship which can help you grow as a personal trainer much faster than if you didn’t have that extra support.

Inside the Online Trainer study materials, you’ll find 

  • A digital textbook
  • The online personal trainer certification test
  • Video and audio lectures
  • Chapter quizzes
  • Multiple practice exams
  • Assignments to push your business forward
  • Business templates
  • An online support group

Fitness Mentors also provide the option to do a payment plan making this program more affordable. 


  • Heavy emphasis on the business side of online training
  • Completely self-paced and online
  • Created by an organization that was founded on educating personal trainers
  • Recognized by the National Board of Fitness Examiners


  • It doesn’t certify you as a personal trainer
  • Online fitness is quick to evolve, making some information irrelevant

Closing Thoughts

The Fitness Mentors Certified Online Personal Trainer is an excellent choice for certified trainers to build their business online. 

Whether you’re looking to transition entirely online or do a hybrid approach, the Fitness Mentors COPT can provide the blueprint to building your online empire. 

ISSA Online Coach Certification

The ISSA is the original organization to begin delivering personal training certifications online, so it’s only fitting that they also have an online personal trainer certification course. 

Being one of the first to deliver distance education, the ISSA has perfected its online education. 

Certification Overview

The ISSA Certified Online Coach has you covered every aspect of taking your training business online. 

You’ll learn how to pick the best online coaching platform for you, branding, social media marketing, and selling techniques designed to get your clients ethically. 

Whether you’re training clients through a platform or doing virtual coaching, the ISSA will provide you with everything you need to succeed!

Certification Cost and Study Materials

The ISSA Certified Online Coach can cost up to $798.96, or $66.58 per month,  but you can usually pick it up for $53.27 per month for 12 months with the regular discounts offered. 

Inside your certification, you’ll receive 

  • Two online textbooks
  • 84 tutorial videos
  • 8 business templates
  • The online certification test
  • Online final exam
  • A free professional website

The ISSA over-delivers with its support, providing you with a professional website and unlimited education support. 

As an online personal trainer, your online presence and brand are vital to your personal trainer salary and success, and having a website can set you apart from other online personal trainers. 


  • Free Professional website with completion of your certification
  • Extremely affordable with regular discounts
  • Expert delivery of online education due to the ISSA’s history in delivering online programs
  • Plenty of study materials and resources to use once completed


  • Focuses primarily on business rather than delivering online training
  • Online fitness is quick to evolve, making some information irrelevant

Closing Thoughts

The ISSA has again provided trainers with an excellent course with their Certified Online Trainer course. 

The ISSA provides trainers with vital business information that is hard to find elsewhere while ensuring their trainers are ethically getting clients. 

In the world of online training and education, it’s challenging not to choose the ISSA for all of your education. 

The Personal Trainer Development Center Online Trainer Certification 

The PTDC Online Trainer Certification is the original online personal training course. 

Created by Jonathan Goodman, the PTDC separates itself as practicing personal trainers made it for other personal trainers and has already helped over 100,000 coaches in over 120 countries. 

This aspect of the certification is essential as all of the material has years of evidence to back up its information. 

Certification Overview

The PTDC Online Trainer Certification through the Online Trainer Academy is on a new version that makes things much more straightforward. 

Everything has moved entirely online, including their textbook, making things much more affordable. 

The certification is broken into four modules, including

  • Getting Started
  • Business Structure
  • Client Care
  • Marketing

These modules build on the previous one to get clients, set up systems, and develop your online training business. 

Certification Cost and Study Materials

The PTDC offers two different payment options: pay in full for $1,599 or four monthly payments for $449 each. 

Unfortunately, the monthly payments do increase the program’s entire cost, but it might still make it more affordable. 

The materials you get when signing up for this certification are

  • An online textbook
  • Access to the Student Success Center
  • 80 video lessons
  • Over 45 scripts, templates, and legal forms
  • Social media content
  • Certification test
  • A 90-day money-back guarantee

 Like I said earlier, the program is broken into four modules, but you’ll have access to a fifth, which is all about business skills. 


  • Created by online personal trainers
  • It will help you build your online business with an easy-to-follow curriculum
  • Self-paced and completely online
  • They provide business and legal paperwork templates, saving 


  • No information on developing fitness programs
  • More expensive than other options

Closing Thoughts

The PTDC Online Trainer Certification is one of the best resources for trainers taking their business online. 

The Online Trainer Certification was created by trainers who have experience with online personal training. 

The PTDC is another organization created to provide personal trainers guidance and advice on building their business. 

If you’re looking for a high-quality certification from a quality organization, this may be the one for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Become A Virtual Personal Trainer?

You can get started as a virtual personal trainer today. You don’t need a personal training certification or an online training certification, although they will provide you with a valuable base for training clients online. All you need is clients and a method for program delivery and communication. There are plenty of tools available out there to help you with managing an online personal training business, such as Trainerize.

Do Online Personal Trainers Make Money?

Personal trainers make money, with the average yearly salary falling between $41,000 and $48,000. These numbers can increase with more education and certifications and offer other income sources like online or membership base. 

Is It Worth It To Be An Online Personal Trainer?

Online training is set to be a 60 billion dollar industry by 2027. If you’d like a piece of that pie, it’s best to get started now and build up your brand and reputation! It is also a great investment for your career long-term because online personal training is far easier to scale than traditional in person training. This increases your income ceiling.

How Do I Create An Online Workout Program?

Workout programs can be created in many ways, including online software, excel spreadsheets, or even the notes app on your mobile phone. At the end of the day, your goal is to communicate information to a client, so as long as you’re able to communicate effectively in a way that works for both of you, then you’ll find success.

How Do Online Fitness Coaches Make Money?

Online fitness coaches make money by providing coaching, programs, accountability, motivation, and behavior change to online clients. Clients typically pay on an hourly basis, similar to if you were to work with them in-person.

How Many Clients Does the Average Online Personal Trainer Have?

An online personal trainer who is entirely online will tend to have an average of 10-30 online clients before it becomes too much for them to provide high quality services in a sustainable way. This can still amount to a comfortable living as a personal trainer. It’s also worth noting that client turnover is something you should realistically start thinking about. If you want to maintain 25 consistent clients, make sure you have systems in place to replace any clients that decide to stop pursuing their fitness goals. This can help stabilize your income.

What Does Online Coaching Look Like?

Online coaching has many variations. You can provide 1-on-1 virtual coaching, coaching via online software, memberships, and hybrid options. You can even just focus on writing and editing workout programs or providing text chat support without having face to face interactions. It all depends on what is best for both you and your clients. Your days won’t always look the same, but you’ll have more time on your hands than an in-person trainer.

How Do I Create A Successful Online Fitness Business?

Successful online trainers often find a niche like a women’s health online personal trainer or working within a specific age range. This allows for a clear marketing message to attract clientele. You can also run online personal trainer classes to expand your reach.

How Can I Grow My Online Fitness Business?

Growing your online personal training business is challenging. Still, by providing actionable information online, being consistent on social media, and continuing through the tough times, you’ll be able to grow your online coaching business effectively. Have a consistent brand and get that brand out there to the best of your ability.


More personal training certifications are moving to online delivery every year.

Their reach and the quality of information prove that online learning has come a long way. 

There are also alternative certification programs that teach you how to build your online business as a personal trainer, expanding your reach and increasing your income. 

Non-traditional certification programs are not the same as traditional CPT programs  and should not be treated as such. 

You can take fitness certifications online to verify that you are a personal trainer and have demonstrated competency above a certain standard in the field. 

These certifications will provide you the base to train clients and get a job at a gym. They also provide you with the authority to appeal to clients as an independent personal trainer, which can help you jumpstart your own independent personal training business. 

Online training certifications were created for personal trainers to have greater access to education that would act as the backdrop to their professional work throughout their career. This helps those trainers gain the skills and education they need in order to effectively support their clients and build a thriving personal training business.


  1. Sharma S, Singh G. Virtual Fitness: investigating team commitment and post-pandemic virtual workout perceptions. Telematics and Informatics. 2022;71:101840. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2022.101840
  2. Liu R, Menhas R, Dai J, Saqib ZA, Peng X. Fitness Apps, Live Streaming Workout Classes, and Virtual Reality Fitness for Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Lockdown: An Empirical Study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022;10. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.852311
  3. ‌Gozzoli C, Palumbo M, Zanoli E. Supporting employability through sport: what kind of training? Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2023;5:1154533. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2023.1154533
  4. Choon J, Selvi Kausiliha Vijaya, Hui Yin Ler. Qualified Fitness Trainers Practice Scientifically Based Judgement in Prescribing Exercise Programs. Psychology of sport and exercise. Published online May 1, 2024:102659-102659. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2024.102659
  5. Magal M, Neric FB. ACSM CERTIFICATIONS: DEFINING AN EXERCISE PROFESSION FROM CONCEPT TO ASSESSMENT. ACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal. 2020;24(1):12-18. doi:https://doi.org/10.1249/fit.0000000000000542
  6. Zenko Z, Ekkekakis P. Knowledge of Exercise Prescription Guidelines Among Certified Exercise Professionals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2015;29(5):1422-1432. doi:https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000000771
  7. Culos-Reed N, Wurz A, Dowd J, Capozzi L. Moving Online? How to Effectively Deliver Virtual Fitness. ACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal. 2021;25(2):16-20. doi:https://doi.org/10.1249/fit.0000000000000643
  8. Ku GCM, Hsieh CM. Can Fitness Education Programs Satisfy Fitness Professionals’ Competencies? Integrating Traditional and Revised Importance-Performance Analysis and Three-Factor Theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(11):4011. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17114011 
  9. Newsome AM, Reed R, Sansone J, Batrakoulis A, McAvoy C, W. Parrott M. 2024 ACSM Worldwide Fitness Trends: Future Directions of the Health and Fitness Industry. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. 2024;28(1):14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1249/FIT.0000000000000933 

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Domenic Angelino

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Our MVP enrollments include an exam Pass Guarantee. IPTA CPT: upon course completion, enjoy unlimited retakes until you pass. For other certifications, we refund study material costs and cover retake fees ranging from $99 to $475, depending on the organization and course completion.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your IPTA purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by organization you are studying with.

What happens next

We will confirm your program completion via your account, process a full refund, and transfer $99 to $475 for the exam retake fee, depending on the organization. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access, except for IPTA CPT, which already has lifetime access.

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See if our exam pass guarantee study system is right for you!


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See if our exam pass guarantee study system is right for you!


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See if our exam pass guarantee study system is right for you!


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Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACE CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $249 exam retake fee with the American Council on Exercise.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by ACE.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $249 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with the National Academy of sports medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by NASM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NSCA CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $300-$435 (whether you are an NSCA member or not) exam retake fee with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NSCA.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $300-$435 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACSM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with The American College of Sports Medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ACSM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NCSF CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The National Council on Strength and Fitness.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NCSF.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ISSA nutrition exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The International Sports Sciences Association.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ISSA.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ISSA CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The International Sports Sciences Association.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ISSA.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM PES exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NASM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CES exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NASM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CNC exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NASM.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee.Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NSCA CSCS exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $250 - $475 (whether you fail one or both sections) exam retake fee with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.


How does it work?

To claim

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NSCA.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $250 - $475 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free.